Ultima 9 patches - 1.18f, 1.19f and 1.60 fan update

Most Ultima 9 sites point to http://www.fansofultima.com/ for the unofficial and official patch collections - but since that site is now dead and the Wayback Machine was blocked from archiving it I decided to collect it all and make it easy to update your Ultima IX game.

So if you just grabbed Ultima IX for $5 from the bargain bin and wanted to make sure you had all possible patches then this is the page you were looking for.

This collection was done in 18th August 2004, so hopefully it is pretty much the first and last stop you need to make as the last patch was made many years ago. A few projects are underway to remake the U9 experience in other game engines (eg the Morrowind engine, which would be cool because that game kicks ass).

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